If you know me at all, you'd know my obsession with farms - be it farm vibes or you know... just literal farms. It's weird but I like to daydream about picking fresh strawberries in the field and replay scenes of Miley and Travis galloping on their horses into the sunset from the Hannah Montana movie from time to time. Okay, and don't get me started on Nicole Kidman's 70 Questions with VOGUE because I am aware she has a farm. And I understand that she actually gets eggs from her CHICKENS in her BACKYARD. And I totally respect that.
If you double-know me, you'd know how much I love to incorporate little things that I love into what I wear.......
--- Which is why I am TOTALLY obsessed with my new collection of farm-themed buttons! It's got all the necessities that are ESSENTIAL in the picture of a dream farm - from asparagus, carrots, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, to jam! Oh- and if one can't really tell if issa farm vibe or a supermarket vibe I'm going for, then there's also a button that explicitly states FARM in your good ole bold font. (You know, 'cause I'm tryna be subtle here)
What makes this even triple cooler is that I actually got to make them! Recently, my fashion club had a fundraiser and we decided to order a button machine just to you know,, bE oRiGiNaL lol. It took a while to learn (and lots of palm pain) but it was so worth it! I'm personally a big fan of the button machine and want one for myself just to make weird hippie pins of literally ANYTHING. (I don't have that kinda money lying around at the moment, but if you want to check 'em out, this was the kind of set that we used.) I think what's got to be the best part about being graced with the presence of a button machine is that you can make literally anything into fashion. If anything, it's the weirder and the more questionable things that are all-the-more-cool! Want Gordon Ramsey's face on a pin? You got it. How 'bout to commemorate that time you managed to get lower than a 20% on a test? Print it out and I gotchu. Not into that depressing humor? We can press a picture of you and your BFF!
This sounds like an ad -- but it's not. (Though I do wish I could offer you a promo code for a button machine). :( I'm just here to express my love for my new farm pin collection today, sorry.
Anyway, that wraps up my post about my new love for buttons. Feel free to scroll up and down and zoom in and out on the pictures below and above and admire my new babies.